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Sutton Middle High School Library: American Presidents

Use this guide to find information about the U.S. Presidents.


Mr. Whittier will post information about your assignment here.

Suggested Websites

Search Destiny - Our Online Catalog

Highlighted Books & Materials from Our Library

Did you know, we have more than 90 biographies about U.S. presidents? Find biographies by doing a search in our catalog or browsing the shelves. Biographies are alphabetized by the last name of the person the book is about.

However, do not stop there! We have other books about U.S. presidents in our nonfiction section and in our reference section. Search our catalog to find them. A few of these books are highlighted below.

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Suggested Databases


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Kari Farmer
Sutton Middle High School Library
383 Boston Rd.
Sutton, MA 01590
508-581-1640 x 4130